Wednesday 31 December 2008



Most definately the worst year of my life so far.
I really wanted to end a shit year with a good night.
But nope.
I'm at home being yelled at.


Friday 26 December 2008

Misteltoe and Wine.

Today is Boxing Day here in Sunny England. If you are in New Zealand or Australia or anywhere in the Austral-Asia area, it's the 27th December.
So anyway.
Christmas. *Le sigh*

Mother was in hospital yesterday. I've never felt so dull when waking up.
Usually on Christmas morning it takes me awhile to get out of bed. Christmas isn't my thing anymore. My family has never been big on tradition. Most people demand their family is together at christmas. I usually stay upstairs and Mum watches soap operas. But this year, dad had to force me to get up at about 9 oclock (bear in mind half of Britain's children had been up for atleast 2 hours by this point) and I just got dressed and went out of the house basically straight away. We took Mum a couple of her presents over and we sat not really doing or saying that much. Then she had her christmas dinner (which suprisingly looked, smelt and apparently tasted wonderful compared to normal hospital food) and so we went home. Me and Dad then decided we were hungry as we hadn't actually eaten anything all day, so in our infinate wisdom, we braced the cold (me in my flourescent pink hat and dad in a puffa jacket lol) and walked all the way into town and back just to see if any Indian or Chinese's were open. The lazy bastards don't celebrate christmas and they still closed!! =o

Joke! lol

So yes. In the end we raided the freezer and I had a Chicken Kiev and Chips. How festive?

Thursday 18 December 2008

I'm VERY Confused.

