Saturday 31 May 2008


Not posted daily cause i've not been doing anything.
Considering i'm on bed rest thanks to the hospital =/

I have a nice big bruise going up my arm where they shoved the tube, and its horrible to look at to be honest 0_0

In other news. Dr Who was on tonight! Wooo! After last week when it was not on cause of the flippin Eurovision!! JSHGdbhugfu

But yeh, strangely enough it hasn't made my fear of the dark worse, which is odd. Usually the smallest things boost my fears. But nah. That's good I guess. =]

Well then, not much on this blog. Just a filler cause i'm booooored.

My last blog was weird I know, but as I said in my first blog, i'm using this as like, a diary too. So I can get my feelings down and make myself feel better! =]

Maths exam on Monday. Gonna have to go to the doctors in the morning [monday] and get more painkillers cause i've run out! I can't get through an exam in the pain I was in last Monday. Nooo-way.
A Fail would be on the cards definately if that happened.

And then English on Tuesday. Should be ok. Hopefully.


Wednesday 28 May 2008

First real use

Yeh. The first time i've really needed to turn to my blog to get things off my chest.
It doesn't matter what I say here, cause absolutely nobody reads my blogs anyway!
So I can moan and bitch as much as I like without being told to stop being emo and blahblahblah. EVERYONE HAS BAD DAYS. STFU! I knowwww things can be worse blah fucking blah. Who gives a shit what you think!

As I said in my first post, my mood tends to change VERY quickly.
At the minute i'm feeling pretty disappointed and unwanted. Yeh. EVERYONE things the world hates them. Yehhh.

Well. To be honest i'm allowed to think that.
All the girls who whine and bitch about their life, have a mother who is always wanting to know how their life is and how school is going, they have a boyfriend or girlfriend who cares about them, their daddy is rich, they have amazing hair, tons of friends, good grades and are absolutely gorgeous.
Am I being stereotypical or judgemental? Nah.
It's always the typical American scene kids with pink hair and black and blonde stripes dyed through it with hair extentions in, and their nose pierced and three lip piercings. It is. Deal with it.

Now what have I got going for me, truly? Be honest. There's nothing is there?
I'm not being the typical 16 year old girl who is really self concious and hates herself for attention and blahh. I'm truly shite.

I don't have ANY talents. And if I did there is 100000 scene kids out there who can do it better. Like, I used to wanna be a photographer. CHYEAH! Like I can do THAT now. It's like the most popular thing to be these days. And ANYONE who is younger than 20 and wants to be a photographer is automatically a fake who wants to be 'in on the scene'. Same with clothing lines! I used to design my own clothes. CHYEAH! Everyone does that now! Duh. And guess what, mine are shit cause ALL THE SCENE KIDS who use the SAME designs as each other 'oh little bunnies and inanimate objects with smiley faces and rainbows and SCENE KID STUFF' get all the people loving them and anyone else is obviously a fake who wants to get 'in on the sceneee'.
All these kids also have the potential to do well in school. They bitch about homework and getting C's or B's in their tests and exams.
OH NO! Not a C!
Hey kids, try being me. I have shit for brains. I used to think I was good at English. BING! WRONGGG. I'm shit. Especially compared to like, everyone in my school! Everyone I know got an A in the latest English Lit exam. Did I? Nooope. I didn't. And i'm generally gonna fail all my subjects. I'm dumb as shit. I have no potential to do well. Is this me just thinking i'm a bad student when actually I DO have potential? NOPE! I really don't!
Guess what! Some people actually AREN'T going to get anywhere with their life. Some people ARE going to end up working in a factory or some shitty job for the rest of their life and aren't going to achieve their dreams if they work hard!
Why do people do that? Parents and teachers. They tell you 'You'll get far if you try!' So you try and get nowhere. It's like, 'Thanks, make the blow even more difficult by REALLY making me realise i'm stupid'.
All my friends are so clever. They're all talented. I mean, Gemmar could get SO far with her voice, and her acting and charisma, and even if she didn't she is so clever she'd have that to fall back on. Aimee is getting places with her horse care. She got into her horse care course straight away, and won an award at her horse college for student of the year. They're both going places. And the people in my science class like Clare, Jenni, Pip, Harry, Sian, Alex, Tom, they're all SO clever. Then there is me. Heh.

And I feel left out you know.
Even my friends are ditching me.
The only person who talks to me at school is Aimee. She's leaving next month. Two years on my own. I have Gemmar, but shes so popular cause shes so charasmatic and amazing and fun and so genuine. Why would she wanna waste her time with me?
And everyone in our 'group' at school has gone their seperate ways. The 6th formers don't hang out with us anymore. They stay in one group. Then there is all the Year 10s. Most of the Year 11's in my group are friends with the Year 10's and the Year 10's hate me. So where does that leave me? My friends have better friends than me so they don't bother talking to little boring untalented ugly Cheri. Guh.

And when I thought I had found somewhere I belong, it was all taken away from me. You wouldn't understand this at all anyway. So I doubt there is any point in explaining it.
But basically, I felt so happy cause I thought I had found somewhere that I fitted in, where people didn't care what you looked like or how much money you have or how many times you have seen a certain band live or even how long you have liked a certain band. But I was wrong. As usual. I can't figure anything out, and when I do it's always wrong. So why do I bother?

I guess i'll go back to smiling and pretending i'm ok. Like i've always done.

Nobody is gonna read this anyway.
So lol.
Goodbye me! 0_o


Sorry I wasn't posting this week!
I was gonna update my blog Monday night.
But, I was rushed to hospital.
So yeh, kinda impossible to post.

So hospital stay was HORRIBLE as you can expect.
Paramedics came, they were so nice! =]
Even though the woman in the ambulance put this thing on my finger and stabbed me on the end of my finger.
Proper hurt!

Then she said 'It's ok. I did that so you wouldn't need it done in the hospital. All over and done with now'

I get in and the nurse tells me they'll need blood.
I burst into tears. I'm such a wimp..

But I had to have a canular [sp?] in my wrist.
Made me puke. Then I puked when I had Morphine (it's fucking HORRIBLE! Bloody hell) then puked when they took the canular out. Bloody hell.
And to make it worse the Morphine didn't work. So I had to go home in serious amounts of pain.
They didn't know what was up with me. Which was worse. They said maybe it was something to do with a twist in my fallopian tube, or a cist in my ovary. But they never did a scan or anything =/

Luckily after awhile and a few painkillers the pain went. But it still hurts when my painkillers ware off. =[

So if anyone reads my blogs. Sorry I didn't give you an update on my boring life.

Sunday 25 May 2008


Totally forgot to post yesterday.
I was thinking about it, then it just slipped my mind. So sorry.

I have a headache at the minute. Because I can't be bothered to look for my glasses, so my eyes are hurting when I try and see the screen or the TV. Ouch. Fuck this i'm going to find them. Painful much!
They fell on the floor. -_-


Not much to do today. Change my bedsheets maybe, and clean my room up.
Mamma's out [thank god!] at a Mini Run thing. Wouldn't let me go =/
But to be honest, i'm happy I have some time away from her whining.

I so wish I was in Leeds right now. SLAM DUNK!
Not fair liiiike.

So i've been watching MTV Cribs and at the minute there is some MASSIVE dude on!


This is my most boring blog so far.
Someone give me something to talk about!

Like, I've been reading Ian Watkins and Jamie Oliver's blogs, and no offence but Ian, you're boring lol.
Jamie is really interesting. He rambles, or well, he talks in depth about things and its cool you know?
He answers questions people send him and I think it's great, even if he is sarcastic alot.
He's a wicked dude. Can't wait to see Lostprophets at Download Festival, even if they're not that stoked about playing a 'serious' show. I wanna go to some of the Warm Up shows cause they reckon they'll be proper fun and awesome.
Anyone wanna give me a lift to one of them?

Andd, I said i'd post my pictures from TBO gig. So here have some pics!

I look awful in the picture of me and Gavin. Which sucks balls. I love the one of me and Snoz. It's brilliant. He's a legend. Sean in the background of the one with Bob = lol. Seriously. He's a twat, but I love him. He looks really cute in the pic of me and him though. Which I never thought i'd admit. Aimee was so happy when I admitted he's 'fit' after meeting him. I never said it before. haha

Anyway. Amazing show. =]

Friday 23 May 2008

Cheese and Crackers

Don't you just love them?
Krackawheat, with Red Leicester or Mature Cheddar Cheese, Butter and Vegemite.
Not Marmite, Vegemite.

Ooh. I'm like, the only person who likes the stuff! It's amazing. You get it in Australia and New Zealand. You can buy it here but for some reason its not as good. All the Australians eat it. Two people were eating Vegemite sandwiches in Home and Away once. Mmmm Vegemite =]

So yes anyway.
Today was uneventful.
My mum made me stay home with her cause she 'couldn't be arsed to get up early'.
Which is fair enough haha.
Got a week off, then go back to Maths and English exams. Joy!

But, much to my happiness, I got a myspace message from Rhys Lewis this morning when I logged on. That was nice :)
Real nice of him to message me. I'm not worth his time, so it was nice of him.

I was hoping to make this longer, but I got distracted when I started writing it like, 2 hours ago. It's now past Midnight and I have to get up for work in the morning, so i'll have to leave this blog as it is.
Tomorrow, before Doctor Who is on, i'll post a few pictures from the blackout! show.

Not that anyone reads this ever.

Thursday 22 May 2008


Make me laugh.

They always assume you're American.
Always ask the same questions.
Always end up making you more bored than you were when you started.
Well here.

Name:Cherilyn Hall Herbert
Birthday:13th March 1992
Birthplace:George Elliot Hospital, Nuneaton
Current Location:Spare Bedroom, My House, Hinckley
Eye Color:Brown
Hair Color:Black
Height:About 5'5
Right Handed or Left Handed:Right
Your Heritage:Scottish, French, Irish, Maltese, Everything lmao
The Shoes You Wore Today:My Black School Shoes and my Pink and Black vans
Your Weakness:Kittens, Bryan Adams, REALLY Cute Teddys, Roses, Sparkley Things, Girly girl stuff really!
Your Fears:Spiders, Clowns, The Ocean, The Dark, Being Alone
Your Perfect Pizza:I had it in Stratford. Dunno what its called
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:Loose weight! Be a size 10!
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:Oh my life, OMG, Lol, Pacman, Waga Waga Pacman, WAK A TIN, Too many to name really
Thoughts First Waking Up:I saw TBO last night...
Your Best Physical Feature:My nose. That's it.
Your Bedtime:Don't have one
Your Most Missed Memory:Anytime before JCC
Pepsi or Coke:Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King:Macdonalds
Single or Group Dates:Group
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Nestea
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee:Coffee
Do you Smoke:No
Do you Swear:Fuck
Do you Sing:Badly
Do you Shower Daily:Yes
Have you Been in Love:No
Do you want to go to College:Well...6th form
Do you want to get Married:Maybe
Do you belive in yourself:No
Do you get Motion Sickness:Yes in cars when I read/concentrate on things
Do you think you are Attractive:No
Are you a Health Freak:NO
Do you get along with your Parents:No
Do you like Thunderstorms:Yes
Do you play an Instrument:Badly
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:No
In the past month have you Smoked:No
In the past month have you been on Drugs:No
In the past month have you gone on a Date:No
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:Well. I went to a cafe in a 'mall' shopping centre
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:Not a box. But I have had some
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:No. I picked some up yesterday though
In the past month have you been on Stage:No but I stood infront of one last night
In the past month have you been Dumped:No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:No
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:No
Ever been Drunk:No
Ever been called a Tease:No
Ever been Beaten up:No
Ever Shoplifted:Yes [not my fault. lemme point that one out like]
How do you want to Die:That's a horrible question!
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:Parapsychologist
What country would you most like to Visit:Canada, Latvia, Sweden, New Zealand and Australia
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:Blue. Or anything that REALLY stands out
Favourite Hair Color:Anything mad. Or again stands out. I like different
Short or Long Hair:Uhm. I'd say middle tbh
Height:Taller than me atleast
Weight:Not obese. But just whatever.
Best Clothing Style:Their way
Number of Drugs I have taken:None
Number of CDs I own:About 600
Number of Piercings:Well. Including [partially]healed ones? 7
Number of Tattoos:None as of yet
Number of things in my Past I Regret:Uhm. There will always be things I regret. I can't count them


We Are The Dynamite

Yes, I didn't post yesterday cause I was chillin' wid da blackout!
Yeah. Went to see them yesterday supporting Story Of The Year.
Though to be fair, much to Mr Sean Smith's disgust, not many people were there to see Story Of The Year. I think that pissed him off a bit. That more people were there to see The Blackout.
I mean, I admit, I went to see The Blackout. But I did queue from 11am, so he can't be mad at me...Can he?

I mean. I was there before they were. They pulled up and I was just like, ooh the driver looks like James. IT IS JAMES! =o

Then Sean stuck his fingers up at his.
Gareth's a lovely guy.

I feel asif I intruded on them though.
I mean. They had just been crammed into a little van with all their stuff in and 8-9 of them. And then everyone runs over to them. And me and Aimee made this stupid banner that we gave to them. Even though Snoz loved it, I could tell Sean didn't. Matthew and Bob didn't see it. Gavin was interested though. And pointed out Rhys' fansite to him and made him blush.

But yeh. So I feel like I wasted their time, even though I know they expect people to want pictures and stuff.

Maybe its just me being shy and self concious and retarded in general.

Show was good though.
Very talented band. =]

My mood has been all over the place today.

I've been majorly happy all day, even when I had to have my injection! It hurt. But I was still all giddy and happy. Then I get home to my shitty life [oh no. here comes the emo kid 'my life sucks' thing] and just realise that I really lack excitement and no wonder I have no friends. I'm so frickin boring.
So i'm going to get loads of jobs, and just work work work and do nothing else, and just go to shows with all the money I earn.

Cause shows are amazing. The vibe is brilliant. I get to meet new people, its nice. And when you get to meet people you look up to, its brilliant, even if you ARE in the way...

Tuesday 20 May 2008


It's a bit of a weird title I know. But it MIGHT make sense later.

As I said. I don't care if nobody reads this, I just like writing down the things that happen to me, and writing down my thoughts and feelings and stuff.

So today, was my last English Literature exam. English Literature is over. OR it would be if I hadn't chosen to do it in 6th form! ha

The exam was alright I guess. I'll be honest, i'd never been so nervous about an exam in my life! Ok so maybe my guitar exam was scarier, but that was because I don't like one to one things, and I didn't know the examiner dude.

But yeh, so I was pretty worried. I got in there and I guess it went ok. I finished it with about 20 minutes to spare, so I thought about stuff.

I really like poetry you know. Well, good poetry. Poetry that isn't satirical or just plain stupid. I had to do my exam on these two very odd Satirical poems. Well, one is satirical, i'm not sure about the other, it is 'funny' though. By that I mean its supposed to be funny but its just not.
It's called Rat O Rat. It's a bunch of monkeys bollocks. The other was Mort Aux Chats. Which is actually pretty good. It's very Satirical though, so I am kind of contradicting myself there.

So why was this poem good? It makes some bloody good points thats what. Yeah its a funny poem, but you have to read into it. It's got a good message. Even if the poet decided to say this through a dogs eyes, about how much he hates cats...

I love cats! I have 5. =]

Just thought i'd point that one out like!

Well here's the poem anyway. If you want to read it.

It was written in 1929. It's STILL the same these days. Life in general. Hating and Discrimination. Yadayada.

If you don't understand the poem, i'll tell you about it. Just ask me in a comment or message my myspace or email address whatever.

I'm going to see the blackout! tomorrow.

So I won't post tomorrow.

I might post again later tonight. To make up for it. Not that anyone reads this...

Monday 19 May 2008

Starting Over

I used to have one of this, back in like, 2005-6 or something.
Can't even remember the log in name let alone password or email! lol

Well. Doubt anyones gonna ever read this but I guess it's nice to have somewhere to write down the events of the day, or quotes of the day, or just write how your feeling.

It's nice to let things out. Makes you feel alot better. I learnt not to bottle things up. I've done that for too many years, cause I never wanted to burden the people I care about with my problems.

Ooh. Just had a little pop up 'Now Blogger saves your drafts automatically!' How dandy!
Thats good. It's so annoying when you loose what you wrote, which actually happens to me alot. My computers a bit of a twat to be honest. I had word up earlier and it just closed. I was screaming at it. Like the computer understands yeh? ha

My mamma did that earlier like. She was on Wii Fit. And she couldn't beat my highscore so she had a go at it. So funny.
Man I rule on Hula-Hoops!
Not the food, obvz. But they're good mind!

So i'll piss off now.
Might end up writing more than one blog a day. I swear, my feelings change so quickly. Sometimes I think I have Bipolar. But I doubt it. My bestie Bri has and i'm a lil different to her.

I love Bri. She's ace. My wife yeh!
Even if she is 23 and i'm 16.
And we're women. Who are straight.
Yeh it works well ^_^

Goodbye! haha