Sunday 29 June 2008

I'm a little worried.

I'm getting worried about my health at the minute.

Things really aren't good. =/

It's been a month since my hospital visit, and things have been going downhill from there.

If any guys are reading this, I suggest you stop now. Cause most guys hate it when girls talk about periods.
That's a great way to stop guys being dickheads. Threaten them with 'girly talk' and they shut the fuck up immediately.

Yeh. Well. I NEVER miss my periods. I'm only ever a day or so late. And i'm now like. 2 weeks late on my period.

When I went to the hospital, the pain was in my lower stomach moving down toward the top of my leg.
They also said the problem was either a cist (probably not spelt that correctly) in my womb or ovaries, or my fallopian tubes were tangled.
So the fact that I have period pain but no period, is sllllightly worrying right now.

Hmm. I'll see how things go. I dun wanna worry my parents. Especially as my mama's health is not so good lately. Well. It never was. She has flipping Cancer. Course it's not good. But she has good days and bad days you know?

Ahh. Whatever.

I just felt like updating.
I went to Alton Towers on Monday! I went on Oblivion, cause i'm a twat!
If you don't know what that is, heres a picture.
Well. I tell you what. I'll post a bunch of pictures for you. 1 of each ride I went on.

Cause i'm bored!

This is Oblivion.

Yes. It's a vertical drop. You hang there for about 3 seconds, and then plung into a black pit with smoke coming out. It's fucking GREAT!

Then theres Air. It's called Air, cause you're basically flying.
You sit down like a normal rollercoaster, then the floor drops and you swing backwards so you're laying facing the floor.

Like so. -->

And then you shoot forward and it's like you're just flying. Me and Jenni went round singing, cause we're cool like that...

What else did I go on?
Ahh! The Corkscrew!
Took alot of convincing to get Heather to go on. She hates Rollercoasters but she went on this and loved it!
Really bangs you about though.
It's shit to be honest! lol

See now, I didn't dare go on Nemesis, cause i'm a fucking wimp.

I just didn't like the look of it. Maybe its the rivers and waterfalls of blood on the way in that put me off?

So i'm buggering off. I went on more. Way more. But I cba to post them.

Saturday 21 June 2008

Jamie Oliver!

I'm worse than him at updating blogs regularly.
Bloody hell.

Ok. So i'm not. He last posted May 22nd.
I was gonna say Ian but he posted June 6th.
So he's alright (Y)

So anyway. Yes.

I'm sorry I didn't do my blogs this week! I've had exams ALL week. And Download at the weekend of course!

Of course, I've chosen Psychology, English Literature, Media Studies and Graphics at 6th form. I can't wait. They treat you like you're a human being in 6th form. And i'm doing the subjects I want to do, instead of being told I have to learn about how STUPID Christianity and Islam are as religions. I'm VERY sorry if I offend anyone. But seriously?!



So yeh.

I had a choice between Lostprophets and The Blackout. Considering I saw Prophets on Sunday, I chose the boysss.


Met Madina Lake. Well got a highfive off Matthew Leone!

And Black Stone Cherry came down to the crowd after the show and I got a highfive off the guitarist and drummer aswell! PSYCH!

Aimee is gay. Officially right.

We went to main stage as soon as we got in. We were at the barrier in the centre. AMAZING VIEW.
But after Within Temptation, she needed a wee -_-

SHE DIDN'T DRINK ANYTHING ALL DAY! Weak bladder much! =[

So we had to go to the back. Went to see KIGH and then went back to mainstage. Managed to get back to the barrier for Prophets, but we were right the way over the side. And had the most INCREDIBLY annoying girls behind us.

We were stood there and I heard this girl start bragging. She goes 'Oh. OBVIOUSLY I like Lostprophets otherwise I wouldn't have two tattoos of them!'
And started saying how many times she'd seen them live.
Which i'm not bothered about. But it was out of the blue and unneccasary and obvious she was just doing it to sound cool.
Then Madina Lake came up and TV. And i'm all for expressing opinions but she was out of order. Aimee was singing along and said 'I love Madina Lake' and these girls started screaming. 'THEY'RE FUCKING SHIT. TURN IT OFF. WTF. SHITTY EMO!'
Was that necassary? Really? I think not!
So then Prophets roadies started setting up. And they were shouting 'GEORGE WE LOVE YOU GEORGE! GEOOOOOOORGE' in the most annoying accent -_-
And started talking about how 'Ilan proper loves them' and said he'll be looking out for them in the crowd. I'm not saying thats not true. BUT STOP BRAGGING! They were saying it SO loud, so that everyone could hear.
Then we saw them walking from backstage toward the stage. And we were like 'Oooh look! There they are' and the girls next to me where screaming [which I have NO problem with. They were just happy :)] and these girls started screaming at us again going 'GOD YOU FUCKING TEENIES. IT'S LIKE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN THEM BEFOOOORE. STOP BEING SUCH TEENIES AND SHUT THE FUCK UP WAHWAHWAH'.
What gave them the right to tell us what to do? THEY should have shut the fuck up. I was about ready to smack them! You know. We were just trying to have fun and have a laugh and be excited and stuff! And I HAD never seen them live before. Just cause i've liked them since I was 9 years old, doesn't mean I've seen them live.
My mums had cancer since I was 11. So how could I possibly really get the chance to see them? It's only recently i've been getting my own way to gigs and even been allowed to them on my own.
They just really fucking annoyed me.

But yes. Prophets were amazing. The girls didn't fuck that up for me thank god.
I LOVE Jamie's hair.
Like, I proper love it.
They were all looking rather lovely. Though I couldn't see Ilan cause I was too far down the barrier.

Apparently. I got hit on the shoulder with a bottle.
Aimee told me that. I didn't feel a thing.
Weird. lol

Peace out. I'll stop moaning now lol!

Thursday 12 June 2008

Bloody immense weekend coming up.

I am off to download in the morning.

If you don't know what Download is, jump off a cliff.
Nah I kid. But do your rock research. No, not Geology...

So! Download.
The big LP.

Though I'm not there to see just them.
Though its basically just them and Judas Priest.
Fucking hell.
It's going to amazing to have the midlands very own rock legends, back in their home territory.
Pah. Gonna be immense.
I'll post on Monday, when all is over.

Peaceout x

Saturday 7 June 2008


Not the metal things you get on sinks. That Salad Fingers wants to marry.

The movie. I just watched it and it's incredible.
It's so powerful and gah!
I was thinking alot while I was watching it. Now I can't remember what the hell I was gonna write.

It's just such a powerful movie.
I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but it really did make me think.

I really can't put it into words now. I knew what I was gonna write until I sat down at my computer table. Pffft. Trust me to forget.

I'll probably remember later, and i'll write it out then. But for now. This is a short post. And i'm going to sit and be boring.


Tuesday 3 June 2008


I'm in another foul mood.
Fucking hell.

I can't even explain what i'm feeling right now.
It's weird to be honest.

I mean. Gosh.
I feel unappreciated, sympathetic, angry, disappointed, upset and stupid all in one.
I'm so fucking Emo.

This is gonna come out wrong, and probably offend an awful lotta people. And probably people are gonna be thinking i'm a big headed bitch. But i'm not honestly.
It's just recently everyone seems to getting into everything that I like. Yes I know shock horror. But it just seems that everything that makes, is being taken away from me. I have no self-confidence, and the only think I like about myself is the fact that i'm myself. I'm me. I guess, unique. I've always liked odd things, like I grew up being in love with Ozzy Osbourne, Rocky Horror Picture Show, I used to read Anne Rice books and Bram Stoker's Dracula when I was 6 and I used to dress up as a vampire daily when I was 4 years old. I'd been hated throughout my entire life for being like that. And now all of a sudden, its cool to be a freak.

I left this blog for about 3 hours, and ended up watching all the Full Ponty 2007 videos instead.
I wish I was Welsh. Or atleast I wish England had like, a proper big patriot root.
I don't feel a part of anything =/

Monday 2 June 2008


I have no tablets left!
And my stomach still hurts =[

Luckily it didn't hurt too much for my exam today.
Whoopee by the way!

No more maths exams, ever again. EVER!

I'm watching the Peep Show.
Love it.
I was watching Red Dwarf earlier. I love that more, to be honest.

Also had a realisation.
I'm a weirdo.
Right, I don't want a boyfriend, yet i'm feeling alone atm.
I really do not want a relationship. No thanks.
But I want that feeling where I know someone cares about me.
And I want buttieefliesss. lol Hmmmm.

I'm odd.
