Wednesday 28 May 2008


Sorry I wasn't posting this week!
I was gonna update my blog Monday night.
But, I was rushed to hospital.
So yeh, kinda impossible to post.

So hospital stay was HORRIBLE as you can expect.
Paramedics came, they were so nice! =]
Even though the woman in the ambulance put this thing on my finger and stabbed me on the end of my finger.
Proper hurt!

Then she said 'It's ok. I did that so you wouldn't need it done in the hospital. All over and done with now'

I get in and the nurse tells me they'll need blood.
I burst into tears. I'm such a wimp..

But I had to have a canular [sp?] in my wrist.
Made me puke. Then I puked when I had Morphine (it's fucking HORRIBLE! Bloody hell) then puked when they took the canular out. Bloody hell.
And to make it worse the Morphine didn't work. So I had to go home in serious amounts of pain.
They didn't know what was up with me. Which was worse. They said maybe it was something to do with a twist in my fallopian tube, or a cist in my ovary. But they never did a scan or anything =/

Luckily after awhile and a few painkillers the pain went. But it still hurts when my painkillers ware off. =[

So if anyone reads my blogs. Sorry I didn't give you an update on my boring life.

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